Friday, October 30, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the week....

Hip, Hip, Hooray for Friday!!!!!

I'm very happy it's Friday.
I'm anticipating a very quiet day today at work, so I'm keeping everything crossed that it goes that way.
Scooter is having a blast (I'm sure) at his Doggie Daycare Halloween Party and Jim and I have a fun evening planned.
Jim's getting his haircut, then we're heading out to have dinner with a friend, followed by a night on the town. It's been a while since I've gone out in Boston and I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks for all your GPS suggestions both here and via I just hope that JIM READS THIS ENTRY AND TAKES NOTE.

Who said I'm not subtle???

We had a great time last night over at my sister-in-laws house....yummy dinner and fun, as always. They have Beatles Rock Band for their Wii, and I kind of loved it. I didn't love the fact that it was only Beatles, but Rock Band in general seems like it would be very fun. I've played Guitar Hero before and really liked it, but I loved the idea that you have the choice to play guitar, play the drums, sing the lead vocals or sing back-up vocals.
FUN!!! I think I'll put that on my Christmas list as well. :-)
That's all for today....have a safe weekend and a GREAT Halloween!!!!

I came across this costume on line and thought it was a HOOT!

This one too... :-)


Amy said...

Hahaaaaaa.......I love that costume

Ur-spo said...

that is a fabulous costume to be sure !
happy halloween to you !

Kyle Leach said...

That is a good costume idea. Happy Halloween John!

cb said...

That first costume has so many good iterations... like "inappropriate facebook pic from party"!