Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend fun!!!

What a fun weekend I had!!

Friday night I met up with my softball teammates at Fritz (the gay ‘sports bar’ in Boston) for a pre-softball season meeting. It was very productive and also quite fun. Jim and one of his co-workers met us at the bar as well, so once the meeting was over, we all hung out and had a few (dozen) drinks. It was nice to see everyone again (it’s been a while) and it was very encouraging to see that we’re starting the season off on such a positive note.

Saturday morning we got up, had breakfast and ran a bunch of errands. We decided (very last minute) to have some friends over to our house for food, fun, and games. We never actually got around to playing any games, but we had SOOO much fun. There was a LOT of laughing…a LOT. I think that everyone had a really good time.
Of course, we ordered WAY too much pizza, and since no one wanted to take any leftovers - Jim and I literally had FOUR whole pizzas left over.
Needless to say, we had pizza for lunch and dinner yesterday, and lunch again today. Good thing we like pizza!

Sunday morning we woke up, I did a bunch of laundry; we went grocery shopping and eventually headed off to rehearsal. After rehearsal (it was only from 4 to 6) we headed home for more pizza and watched our regular Sunday night line up. It was an excellent way to end a very fun weekend.

Here are some pictures from Saturday night (courtesy of Barrie’s blog – thanks Barrie!!)

This is a bunch of us checking out the 'high hair' in the QHS Class of 90 yearbook.

This is Alicia (L) and Christabelle (a.k.a. Christine)

This is everyone enjoying their post-pizza Klondike Bars (we had 4 different kinds...YUM!!)

1 comment:

RG said...

So, that treadmill at the gym is just a fading memory now? ;)