Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's gonna be a quickie...

Work is C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!

I was here last night until 5:45, which isn't all that late, until you consider the fact that I'm in here at 7:30am, and I'm usually out the door at 4pm SHARP.
Anyway, there was some stuff that needed to be done, so I sucked it up and stayed.
I'm good like that. :-)

Jim and I had plans to go to his sister's house after work for dinner, cake and ice cream in celebration of her birthday. Unfortunately, because I was so late, I had to take a totally different train home. Thankfully, Jim was kind enough to pick me up at a different station. Isn't he nice??

It ended up working out fine, because they were just sitting down to eat when I walked in.
Perfect timing.

I haven't heard from the doctor yet and I still haven't heard from the theatre.
I did hear (via the 'theatre grapevine') that a couple of people who were called back received a 'No Thank You' email some time yesterday. I didn't receive one, so it would seem I'm still being considered...or at least I'm not in the immediate 'NO' pile. ...or they don't have my e-mail address. :-)
I'm guessing that I'll hear something today.
Either way, I'll let you all know asap...have no fear.

I have to go delete some data, load some balances, book some trades and finish up my 'pretend' end of day processing.
I can FEEL the jealousy.

Jim informed me that I'm carving a pumpkin tonight. I haven't carved one in years, and the thought of scooping out all the insides makes me squirm a little bit. Gross.

This is one that he did a couple of years ago...he takes his carving seriously.

Have a great day!

If there are any updates to be posted, I'll probably post them in the early afternoon (1pm-ish) so if you want to check back, that's when to look. :-)

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