Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is it REALLY only Thursday??

This is shaping up to be one of the longest weeks ever.

I realize that I haven't written since Monday and that is just unforgivable!!!
Sorry, y'all.

Monday night was the BSL All-Star game and it was a really great experience. I'm not going to lie - I was pretty nervous about the whole thing.
I knew I'd be on a team with really great players, and I'm really not all that great, so I was getting myself all worked up. Sure, I can hit the ball decently, but when it comes to defense, I'm not at all in the same league as mos of these guys.
Granted, when you're a catcher in a slow-pitch softball league, you don't have to be an amazing defensive player. As long as they didn't try to put me in the field I knew I'd be OK.

As it turns out, I ended up catching the entire game, and went 2 for 3 as far as batting was concerned. There were no 'real' plays at home, so even though I had a few moments of "Oh my God they're about to throw me the ball from left field..." (which generally means it's coming at you like a cannon fired it) there were no close calls that I had to deal with.

Our team was down 11-4 going into the last inning, at which point we came back, making the score 11-10. Unfortunately, we couldn't keep it going, and that was the way the game ended. We were happy with the result though...nothing like an exciting comeback to get the crowd interested!
And what a crowd it was....there were a LOT of people there, and it turned out to be a very fun event. AND I got a 'BSL All-Star' medal....what more could I ask for?!?!?

On Tuesday, Jim was whisked away to NYC for the day/night for a meeting and a cocktail party. I came home from work and headed to The Company Theatre for the second installment of their '30th Anniversary Cabaret Nights'. The theatre is celebrating their 30th anniversary this year, and to commemorate that fact, they're having three nights of musical revues, each one representing a decade of shows they've produced.
Tuesday was focused on 1988-1998. Within those years is when I first became involved with the theatre (Evita, 1990) so it was very fun to re-visit that time period.

It was a really great show and SO much fun. I would have loved to have been a part of it, but I wasn't available for most of the rehearsals and with something like that, you really need (at least I do) all the rehearsal time you can get. I would have been a WRECK if I'd tried to squeeze it in. Besides, it was nice to be able to just go and watch all my talented friends sing their hearts out and have an excellent time doing it.
Great job peeps!

For some reason, I'm still exhausted. Maybe I really do need more than 8 hours of sleep over an entire weekend to keep me 'fresh as a daisy' - because I still feel like a 70 year old man.
I'm planning on going to bed early tonight, which means I'm NOT going onto facebook. Nothing keeps me from going to bed like facebook does....
"Oh look, it's so and so.....oh wow, look at him...I wonder what what's-his-face is up to these days??"

Seriously, it's never ending.
Of course, if I had some control that would be a different story.

That's where I'm at now, folks....OH - and I finally found out that I'm moving from my current office (in the city) out to the 'burbs on June 19th. BOO!!!! :-(
I'm trying to focus on the fact that I won't have to spend all that money on my commute, and not on the fact that I'll be trapped in a suburban office park all day long.

Positive thinking....positive thinking....



RG said...

Was Louis and Jul from my team on yours? It sounded like you had a really fun time. I was just too tired from softball weekend and a day of work to attend.

And the reason you're still tired is because you're old. LOL

And what's with the word verification: Romprol?

AJohnP said...

No...both of them were on the Henry/Elaine team and played really well. In fact, everyone played really well and still managed to have a lot of fun, which is always nice. :-)

cb said...

I have a thing for catchers (mmmm, Varitek). Which is ironic because I AM one...