Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Not quite done....but I'm almost there.

Hey everyone...I'm posting from home today and I've got a MILLION things to do, so this is going to be brief! :-)

We had our first home visit yesterday with the folks from DCF. It went very well. The woman had a few suggestions for us as far as home safety was concerned, but nothing that we wouldn't have done on our own anyway. Stuff like keeping medicine and cleansers out of reach, putting up gates, etc...etc... Mostly common sense stuff. However, I'm sure there are families out there that need to be told that stuff.
All in all, it went very well and she was very nice.

I'm going to go now because I've got shopping, wrapping and laundry to do.

Before I go, I want to quickly acknowledge the fact that yesterday was the 24th anniversary of my mom's passing.
I can't believe how quickly time has flown. I'm glad that I had yesterday off though, so I was able to stop by the cemetery and pay a 'visit'. Even stranger are the number of friends and neighbors who are now in the cemetery along with my mom.
It was a sad visit, but I'm glad I went.
For those of you who are new to my blog, here's the post from last year's anniversary.
It's a nice little remembrance for my mom....which I'm sure she'd appreciate. :-)

Have a great day folks....and if I don't find myself back online before Friday - have a VERY merry Christmas. xoxo


Jim said...

Have a Merry Christmas John.

RG said...

Felize Navidad!

cb said...

I can't believe you are gonna have kids. KIDS!!!

All my best in 2010!!!