Friday, June 11, 2010

A Weekend of Pride and the Tony Awards

Well, it’s Friday afternoon and I’ve pretty much checked out for the weekend already.

I’ve had a busy day so far consisting of meetings and helping others get through their testing, so I’m TOTALLY fine with taking it easy for the rest of the day.

Jim and I are going to a Lion’s Club event tonight.
That’s not ‘gay code’ for something fun and racy; it’s really just an event for the local philanthropic organization.
Our brother-in-law is receiving an award, so we’re all going. I’m sure it’ll be fun.
I’m looking forward to a laid-back, night on the town where we’ll have decent food and REALLY cheap drinks.
Love that.

Tomorrow we’re meeting up with K, B, & {b} to watch the Pride Parade and then I’m not sure what the plan is. We may all head over to Boston Common and check that out (all the vendors, entertainers, organizations, etc..etc..) or thy may do that and I’ll visit some friends at the Block Party….it’s all very up in the air and there’s no pressure to do anything. We’ll just see how we feel.
Jim and I have been invited to a Post-Block-Party Rooftop BBQ later on Saturday night, which should be fun, assuming the weather cooperates.
If not, I’m sure it’ll be just as fun inside, sans rooftop.

Sunday is fairly open, but I’m attending a reading of a new musical in the evening, followed by a TONY Awards party at a friend’s house. Normally, I usually watch the TONY Awards at home, so that I can concentrate on every single detail, without interruption. Thanks to our DVR, that is no longer a concern.
I can now record the entire broadcast and go back to re-watch anything I may have missed due to some ‘party chatter’.
I’m VERY excited (as always) to see this year’s show, but especially excited because my friend Brad is going to be performing!!! He’s in the ensemble of ‘Memphis’ which is up for several awards, so they’ll be doing a number from the show.
I know he’s beyond thrilled to be performing, and I can’t wait to see it! ‘Memphis’ also happens to be the only Best Musical nominee that I’ve seen. Boo!
I also know a couple of folks in ‘American Idiot’ – who are also performing on the broadcast – so I have a lot of watching to do!!!!

Even though it’s been a fairly ‘thin’ year for Broadway – I’m very excited to watch the show, and I know I’ll love it.
As much as I love the Broadway….I never get there often enough to see everything I want to, especially before awards time, so the Tony broadcast allows me to at least get a glimpse in the Broadway season. :-)

OK my friends….I have Monday off so don’t hold your breath for a post.
I’ll be back in the full swing of things on Tuesday morning, bright and early!!!

Have a great weekend…….xoxo

Brad in 'Memphis'

Mary in 'American Idiot'

Miguel in 'American Idiot'
(clearly, hard at work)


Cubby said...

Have a great weekend fellas!

Ur-spo said...

We are watching the Tonys right now.
We used to attend Tony award parties. They used to be so much fun.