Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just Stuff

I'm on a conference call right now and CLEARLY not paying attention.  Granted, I'm not directly involved in what's being discussed so it's really OK.  It's a daily call I have (each morning at 8:30) with our off-shore testers in India and the other full-time folks in Princeton, NJ.'s a nice mix.  :-)

Anyway....the weather here is pretty darn miserable.  It's chilly (high 50's??) and rainy - which is not my favorite weather.  If I were sitting on the couch watching TV or reading, I could certainly deal with it.
But since I have to go to work each day, I'm going to complain about it.

This week PRIDE week in Boston, and the Gay Pride Parade is on Saturday afternoon.  Originally, the weather was supposed to be nice on Saturday, but according to this morning's forecast that may have changed.  I'm hoping that they're wrong.  I LOVE going to the parade each year and was really looking forward to attending, but if it's raining out - I will NOT be sitting in the rain. 
After the parade is the block party, which I usually also love attending, but again - if it rains - I will not be going.  We'll see what happens.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate, all will go as planned, and we'll all enjoy a WONDERFUL Pride weekend.  We shall see.

I hope you all have a great day...happy PRIDE week!!!

P.S. I sent out an 'instructional' email a little while ago to my group and told them how "To ass a new user...." as opposed to "To add a new user..."



wozzel said...

I've only ever been to one gay pride, that was in Jozi, SA - 2002.

We dont have one in Durban that I know about, but I want to go to the Pink Loerie Festival in Knysna - SA, next year, it's always great I've heard!!!

RG said...

I've "assed" a few new users before.